...the title is absolutely true. I really don't. Yet I fell compelled to write something - about nothing....or something like that.
So trip progressions so far? My friend Ben is now officially joining me for Beijing, Mongolia & Russia before heading to the UK and the USA. Very cool! At first I wanted to do this trip entirely by myself...but it will be nice to see someone I know for a few weeks. Especially considering I will have just spent 3 months travelling through some pretty remote parts of Asia and quite possibly won't have spoken english for the same period of time! Ben will be travelling with me for about 5 weeks...which is I think will probably be the amount of time I will be able to tolerate. I know that sounds really bad and bitchy and stuff but its the truth. I'm kind of one of those people who really enjoys being on theire own - but enjoys meeting people at the same time. But travelling with Ben will be good - at least now I have someone to drink all that russian vodka with on the Trans Siberian Train for 3 days strait!
Fingers crossed for something more eventful next time I post.....
Cheers, Jesss