"I was not born moving to spend my life standing still....."

Monday, October 29, 2007

Up and Running...

Ok, so I have just spend the past four hours deleting my previous blog and starting a new one. The last one was shit anyway, so it wasn't worth reading. Not that anyone was reading it anyway, as I hadn't given this blog address to anyone! Never mind...new blog focus now.

This time it will be better, because I have actually told everyone I am leaving now. Posting previously was just me all depressed and un motivated because I couldn' tell anyone about this trip. However, now everyone knows, including work, so I don't feel like I have to hide anything anymore. Also, in telling everyone, I'm starting to find the time is going a little quicker and everything doesn't seem like such a drag now.

So, I have a touch over 4 months to go till I am out of here. To some people that might seem like ages, but to me its pretty damn close now! I've been planning this trip since April 2007, so I've been counting down since then. Its seems once it got to 6 months away, the time started to go a little quicker. I have now booked everything I can book - including my flight to Ho Chi Minh City, and my train trip on the Trans Siberian through Russia. Everything else I have to do along the way.

I am still not booking myself a ticket home - I think the trip will be much more fun that way and it also means I have to work once I get to Spain or England.

To the right of screen I have posted my itinerary for people to look at. I've got more stuff to put on but haven't had a chance yet. I also have to put a picture on here of myself, but those who know me well know that I'm the one who generally takes the pictures, not the other way around.

Anyway, not much else really to say at the moment. Unlike the last blog, I am going to do my best to update this weekly. Even if I have nothing to say and even if no one is reading this....!

By the way, I finally worked out how to put a guest book on this thing, so sign it if you want. Or don't. Either way.

Cheers, Jess

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